Scaling Is Not An Apology

Scaling vs Rx
Coach Beth
August 27, 2024
Scaling Is Not An Apology

Coach Beth


August 27, 2024

Having the ability to scale and modify movements is the most beautiful benefit of “functional fitness.”

Imagine scaling is like the individualized programming for the generalized Rx version. How awesome is it to get some individualized programming to work on technique and skills as well as build strength and fitness at an appropriate speed. Rushing to get to Rx can leave your technique at the door, which in turn may not make you as strong as you could be and we don’t want to leave any gains behind us!

We want to have everyone set goals so that they have something to work towards. If doing all workouts as prescribed is your goal that is great, but remember that scaling is just as valuable because we are modifying the workout appropriately to where your individual fitness is. We are working towards longevity when it comes to our journey with fitness, so make sure we train and scale appropriately so we can build our skills and technique and it will pay off to a stronger, more efficient workout later! If we don’t tell you, then ask what the intention of the workout is to help guide your choices.

Masters Athletes 55+ and older, remember the first scaled version of the workout is RX if you are able to do the full range of motion. Don’t be afraid to put that in Push Press.

(I am talking to myself)

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